Things to do (as of 2020/05/04):

Engineering the new AGO/SD module

The new AGO/SD module builds on the new SD module, adopting its modular structure. The top is the same for the SD module. It has several advantages over the old, LEGO based version Air/Gas/Odour Delivery Module (AGO)

  1. It uses solenoid valves instead of a combination of LEGO+servos. The valves we are using come from Aliexpress (link) and cost around £2 each. We use the 4.5V version which draws 260 mA at 5Vdc.
  2. It requires minimal piping for air circulation given that all the splitters are inbuilt.
  3. It uses the same custom electronics the new SD module uses (Electronics for the Ethoscope modules).

Base for Valves

All parts are 3D printed (onshape folder). The base for the solenoid valves has slots for 10 valves, 5 per side (see above for buying reference). The valves operating condition is the following:

For regular AGO configuration, we therefore need to connect:

3 → waste pipe